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Postwar democracy

What is postwar democracy?

Escape from the colony

1. Crushing Koizumi against the United States!

2. British Empire and Colonial India

3. From colony to independence

Stop the post-war democracy that has fallen into self-contradiction!

1. Introduction

2. The trend of the times is becoming more and more my movement!

3. Young people play a leading role in war

Does trust exist in a nation without a subject?
1. What kind of reform?
2. No diplomacy in Japan after the war!
3. Measures that do not have independence

Decision is a living politics!

1. Undecidable colonial guts

2. Democracy to praise indecision

Abolish the barren party politics after the war!

-Proposals for true political change and sound reconstruction of the motherland

1. Introduction

2. The ghost skin of Koizumi

3. Change of president and change of government

4. The question is whether you really want to survive

Why Hitler is cursed by the postwar world

1. The Democratic Party is originally the Second Liberal Democratic Party

2. Heroes appear only from immortality

3. Weimar in the west and Taisho DC in the east are the ones that should be spoiled

Postwar regime crushing that replaced the end of the war with the founding of the country!

1. Postwar tampered with even National Foundation Day

2. Postwar parliament that is meaningful not to make a decision

3. Dictatorship is the ultimate democratic form

Diet members are servants of the people

1. The only sunny stage where a scammer is treated as a hero

2. The Diet decision is an accomplice between the ruling and opposition parties

3. Postwar "maintenance and innovation" are both foreign puppets

4. The essence of politics is not a closed room but a street struggle

UN Charter and US-Japan Security

1. August 15th is the day when the revenge war begins.

2. Recognize the astonishing fact that the sky and land are still occupied!

3. Japan-US Security Treaty, which is higher than the Constitution

4. United Nations (Winning Allied Powers) As long as there is, Japan and Germany will continue to be defeated.

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